P1T9_Invention from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.
While this project was very successful there were also a lot of complications that we had with each other and each one of our ideas, but thankfully we communicated and didn't give up and solved most of the situations.We had a lot of spectacular moments working as a team. To be honest I think the best "team moment" was when we actually went out and filmed all of the b-roll shots and footage to import into our video because it was just really fun coming up with different ideas; for me acting was pretty cool just because it was interesting to come up with a scene and use my professional acting skills and create something amazing. The effort that my team andI put into this project really shows the determination we have when it comes to work. I just think that the filming part of the project was really fun and exciting just because I got to work with my teammates and especially because I got to climb into a dryer; actually that really hurt and was very difficult.
During the post-production editing we each had a job and tried our best to accomplish the job we were assigned. The jobs we were assigned were because we had the best profession at it. Lani's job for this production was to do most of the filming of me acting out the different shots we needed for the video. She also edited most parts of the film while it was in imovie and she supplied the setting for the video to take place in. We decided that Lani should do the most editing because she was more experienced with editing and the imovie tools. Asha did a very good job at recording my voice overs and also helping Lani out with editing the commercial she also helped come up with excellent ideas for our plan. My job was to of course act. I think I did pretty well at that. Then I recorded voice overs that would be placed over the Audio roll above the B-roll. Finally I helped Lani edit the entire commercial as well as Asha and that's basically the jobs we had.
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