This project consist of us writing a humorous narrative that's pretty much the base of the entire project because in order to film we need to have something to film off of which would be the humorous narrative. Here are some tips that you can use to create an excellent narrative that is quite funny to your audience. The first thing to do when writing a narrative is finding something to write about, so the first tip is going to be about how you can find what to write about. The first tip is that you should probably write about something that your audience can relate to like if there middle schoolers or any type of people with homework than you can do that. Another tip is that you should probably make your words very descriptive and detailed because you want your listener to actually visualize what you're saying so that they have an idea and react to your joke or funny saying. Tip 3 is that you can always switch up your wording to make it funnier or whatever. Here's tip 4 make your joke clear and understandable don't have one part that talks about a fish and another part talks about a dog unless those two objects have a relationship with each other in the monologue or joke. Number 5 is Just have fun with writing your narrative because either way if someone doesn't like the narrative you can always say that at least one person liked it even though that one person might be you.
My comedic monologue is about my entire family and how one day just a couple weeks ago we went to the beach right next to this really fancy and nice restaurant. Anyways we jumped in and cooled off from a pretty intense day. My dad and mom along with me decided to get out and just cool off. My dad had just gotten a new hammock like a week before and this was going to be the first time we were using it. Anyways my dad and I decided to sit on his brand new hammock I asked him to pass me my gatorade, but he disagreed with me and told me to get up and grab it myself. We argued for a couple of minutes, but I then realized that I was being stubborn too and just got up and grabbed it myself, but before I could walk over to get my gatorade I hear a huge CRASH! I turned my head and see my dad on the ground with his hammock on top of him. I think that my narrative was funny because just the fact that my dad had a hammock on his head cracked me up. I think thatr since he fell over on something, but also not getting hurt was pretty funny because it usually is pretty funny when people fall down and other things.