Monday, December 1, 2014

Proactive or Procrastination

Hey guys! so the students of GT have to write 3 paragraphs of if there a procrastinator or a proactive person.You have to be completely honest and explain why you think what you think. I don't listen sometimes,which is like twice a day, but I think that I am more on the side of being Proactive. I will be totally honest with you I think that I'm a proactive person. I always follow the rules, I know what I have to do. I usually only talk to collaborate with my team, teacher, or to help my piers in that class and if they're having trouble with something. Overall I think that I am a very proactive person.

My level of productivity is great. Most of the time I am usually working on something that could be improved because I finished my current project or something like that. I really try to get my work done by the due date that was assigned to that project. It bothers me if I turn something late because I know that once I am late on turning my work in I'm behind on that class. I'm almost never distracted most of the time. When I get an assignment I make sure to get things done and that it's my best work so that I am solid for when grades come up.

To make sure I'm always on task I try to prevent myself from getting distracted. It means a lot that I can finish my work on time and get some free time to do something fun or just take a break from working. Also, I must be sure to try and finish the assignment the day I was given it. I always try to go above and beyond, going above what is expected. I try to make as much time as I can fr my school work, but sometimes I can;t and that really hardens

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